Here's Goodbye

"Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?  I guess that wouldn't work.  Someone would leave.  Someone always leaves.  Then we would have to say good-bye.  I hate good-byes.  I know what I need.  I need more hellos." very true indeed.

It was only a half day of school but we filled it with story, practicing Ten Commandment songs, cleaning out desks and classroom and of course some extra break!
These kids have impacted my life so much. I love them. I can see why they make visas difficult. I sure would keep them there if I could.
Nigel, Maleah, Abijah, Keona, Celina, and will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Thursday night was Awards ceremony. They were awarded for grades as well as character traits that they portrayed through the year. The Kindergarteners were SO EXCITED! As you can see on the next picture they could not hide it!

..and the awards continue

Lemar graduated this year. I had him my first year teaching. 
He will now be going to secondary school in Westerhall. I will definitely miss his expressiveness and coming and telling me what was going on in his life!

Yes here we are...the awesome teachers I taught with this past year. I must say they have been a real challenge to me. If something was wrong...we talked about it..whether personal or something that had to do with school. "When one shares a heartache..we all share the tears."

Friday was Fun Day again. Yeah we like to have those at the end of school. We spent the whole day on the beach. Kalie sporting her shades.

We had 11 girls age 8 and under on the beach. It was a good day and they did incredibly well at entertaining themselves.

"Watch Miss"

Abijah and Keona...along with two of my other girls went exploring on the rocks. Abijah was quite scared and very cautious. Upon climbing some time she stops, looks at me and says " know I am being really brave just like you always taught me to be." She is so dear and sincere in all she says and does. With such a sensitive spirit she will go places in life!

after 4 hours on the beach everyone knows you need ice cream. Ricks here we come. It didn't go to bad taking 30 people through for ice cream..then again I wasn't on the other side of the counter either!

Friday night was youth night. It will be crazy to not be in charge of planning games, taking snack and such things that you grow accustom to. Here was a new game we played...round town table tennis on the ground with a tennis ball instead. It was a lot of fun!

It was my last Sunday in church. The service started with my student, Celina, sharing a little note of what she appreciated. The picture was taken rather last minute..thus the blurriness!

My Sunday School class this past year. There were two missing. I usually have one girl and she happened to be sick this Sunday. They were a fun group for the most part. We had our moments when some got to be in the men's class but overall they did great for the amount of kids! Yes and there is my dear godchild Kaden...he spent Sunday with me!

Sunday afternoon we had an afternoon service and then went to Grand Etang Lake for a light supper since I was leaving! We froze in the northerness of the island. The kids were entertained by feeding fish and attempting to catch them.

A final goodbye from the Franks.

I'm gonna miss this. I never liked changes...and this has proved to me I NEVER will like them. Changes like this that are stretching me beyond what I know I am capable of handling on my own strength make me rely on God more fully.  It's so hard to surrender the unknown...and in the midst of trying I am feeling like I am unknown to myself. 

"How lucky I am to have known someone who is so hard to say goodbye to."


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