Happy Grads

Whatever kind of graduation it may be it is an exciting time because it means that change is about to happen. Change is good right? Well sometimes anyway. My dear friend Alana invited me to her son Jatan's preschool graduation. Here he is as a baby. He was born my first year in Grenada soon after I arrived. Where has the time gone? What's not to love about him? Like most things in Grenada it started late. I was waiting close to an hour before it ever started. I could hardly get a smile out of his scared, shy self. He kept his lips like this the entire time. I wanted to get a picture of him walking in but I never saw him till after he was passed because he was crammed up against the person in front of him! He kept peering back over the benches and I actually caught him before he quick turned away. Receiving his diploma ..and a gift FINALLY a smile after it was over ...and now it is off to my favorite school in Greenz....L...