Our life since Kai

Life has been busy. Mothering much busier than I imagined. I couldn't ask for a more content, sleepy baby but it seems when he sleeps I have lots to quick do. So...now while he sleeps I shall catch up on my long overdo blog. Hopefully this can catch you up to the 3 month mark. Yes our baby is three months. My husband seems to think Kai hasn't changed much since he was born. I suppose he isn't the one lugging...yes lugging this fat boy around. He still does look a lot the same but has definitely lost the newborn look. He loves to kick, squeel, and coo all day long when he is awake. If mom is talking to him it's even better! "They" say you don't realize how much you love him till he has a child. I say it's true! He's the best! Lorida Burkholder volunteered her services. She did a great job. Kai absolutely refused to sleep the entire time. Yes it was his nap time. Yes if I feed him he always sleeps. Do you think he would sleep? NO...so...