Babysitting pretty much sums up our month. We like it. The husband is good at entertaining. He has to be since if he isn't involved in the activity it is NO fun at all. After it is all over though we have gained a renewed appreciation for peace and quiet! It started with Nelson's kids one morning. It was a little traumatic for the youngest hearing the bus leave without him...and the next one was sure he was going to school with his sisters. They were soon distracted and having fun. We had a ladies fun day. Jen so nicely provided coating chocolate if we brought the stuff that needed covered. Aphia joined us as well. It was nice to have her and her sweet son there! Shawn, Kaden and Sophia Morgan Jesse I gobbled down some lunch and rushed home to finish packing my bags to go up to LaBorie. Kendall, Ginger, Chris and Katrina spent Fri. morning- Saturday night in Carriacou, a neighboring island, making preparations for the youth trip the foll...