Babysitting pretty much sums up our month. We like it. The husband is good at entertaining. He has to be since if he isn't involved in the activity it is NO fun at all. After it is all over though we have gained a renewed appreciation for peace and quiet!
It started with Nelson's kids one morning. It was a little traumatic for the youngest hearing the bus leave without him...and the next one was sure he was going to school with his sisters.
They were soon distracted and having fun.

We had a ladies fun day. Jen so nicely provided coating chocolate if we brought the stuff that needed covered. 

Aphia joined us as well. It was nice to have her and her sweet son there!

Shawn, Kaden and Sophia



I gobbled down some lunch and rushed home to finish packing my bags to go up to LaBorie.

Kendall, Ginger, Chris and Katrina spent Fri. morning- Saturday night in Carriacou, a neighboring island, making preparations for the youth trip the following weekend. My husband and I stayed with Kendall's kids while Rose and Thaddeus had Chris and Katrina's.
My wonderful entertainer so that I could make meals or talk to my friends that passed by!

these twins.....soaking it all up. Hard to believe 2 years ago they would have never been doing this!

It's still hard to believe she is a mother. She used to be by our blue house all the time as a "little girl." She's still little...but she's a mother! Her daughter Sheniq is the cutest ever!

We ate lunch with the High's and spent the afternoon there. The kids played in the bush out back almost all afternoon. It made the day go even faster and the weekend was over before we knew it!

And then this dear friend was here as well. So good to spend time on the beach with her!

Lest you think that wraps up our month of no. 
The next weekend came for the youth to go on their trip. Kendall's went along again so the kiddos came by our house this time. They like to come here but it is tight head quarters having 7 people in our little house for two days. They arrived around 8 Friday morning so we headed to the beach not long after that.
It's faster to go up and over the hills to the beach. We decided to try it with the twins. With some help along the way they did great. We even came back UP the trail on the way home!

 You know children are too accustomed to the beach when after an hour of being there they are ready to go home or hungry! lol
Who knows what they were telling the fisherman cleaning fish.

What's a few more children in the mix?

The tower Becky and I built. I believe someone elses head wants to claim some ownership to it.

And FINALLY  the football game was on. They were waiting all morning Saturday.

I can't remember how many games we played. This lil miss is a character.

 ...and the day was nearly over when some more people joined us so their parents could spend some "adult time" with visitors.
In between there, Kendall's kids left.
Oh the sweetness of oranges from our tree. They ate one after the next.

monkey in the middle

And that was the end of the babysitting month. Well unless you count teaching, babysitting. Monday and Tuesday following the busy weekend, found me subbing first grade. The week before I had subbed a little for Kindergarten also. I decided I will stick to teaching older kids if I ever teach again :)
In between there I squeezed in some fun foods.
 A chicken from Carmel. No, I didn't eat the foot or the neck. I cooked them for someone else :)
 Oh how I love grapefruit. These were especially sweet!
Banana coconut upside down cake. It was a pinterest success. You should try it if you have an abundance of bananas that need used up!

And some yummy meadow tea that had me whisked away to the states in no time!

Bible club continues...when it doesn't rain.

Little girlies that pop by often! With this amount they don't usually last long because of my minimal amount of toys and their maximum amount of fighting over what I do have!

And this Limes student comes by three afternoons a week for tutoring. Some days are better than others, but I enjoy it.

Time is closing in on this little island. I shall soak in this beauty while I have it.

"If you saw the size of the blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting."


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