When I Grow Up

My kids love to sing. Right now for some reason they keep picking the song "When I Grow Up."
The chorus goes:"When I grow up I wanna be just like you, so don't disappoint me I can see what you do. If you follow Jesus I will follow him too, so don't disappoint me, I can see what you do."

Don't forbid little children to come unto Him
For such is the kingdom of God,
Always set an example that points out the way
And do what the Lord has to say.

Don't forget little children become big folks some day
For what you see becomes what you do.
If you walk with Jesus, I'll walk with Him too.
So don't forget, I'm close behind you.

I really like the song but when it's time for the chorus it gets me every time. Maybe it is those 12 hands and 60 fingers that are pointing my way. Today I pointed back at them and they had a few words to say as soon as the song finish! "Miss....WE ARE FOLLOWING YOU! You can't follow us cuz you are the teacher and older and you the one we want to be like!" What a challenge to live and exemplary life for these children to follow. As true as it is...I probably am the one they are following. What direction am I pointing their lives? In Literature my third grader had to write what God may possibly want him to be when he gets big. With eyes beaming and dimples indented deeply he said "A PASTOR, Miss, that's what I think God will want me to be so I can tell others about Jesus." God has great plans for each of these children...am I doing all I can to water these seeds so they can grow to be exactly what he wants?

Today was finally a nice Thursday and we could have Bible Club and stay the whole time. The past few weeks it has either rained or we got rained out soon after we reached. Next week is Bible Club Trip for those that have almost regular attendance! It was a little smaller group this week than sometimes but a good group nonetheless! 


  1. Do you know who sings this song When I grow up I want to be just like you? I'm trying to find the cd so I can have my children's church sing it for father's Day. Thanks! Gina

  2. We are doing the same song for Father's Day and I ordered the split-track CD on Christianbooks.com Type "When I Grow Up CD" into the search box and there it is. Good luck!

  3. I don't know who sings it but it appears like Karen has the answer. Hope that works for you!


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