Rain Rain GO AWAY

Sports day was cancelled and so was school due to rain AGAIN! It has been raining a lot these days. Especially on days when things are planned. It was quite the trial finding homes for students with working parents and calling numbers that are no longer existing. We had a few kids by our house for a bit of the morning. It was time to get out of the house so off to town we went!

In the evening we had girls club. Girls club has been pretty sporadic with attendance. This week it was not. There were quite a few younger ones as well as a group of older ones which made it nice for everyone. Singing was very fun, bible lesson, craft and then games. The spoons game got pretty wild. 

 Loud it was....and loud it would have stayed if the bus hadn't reached!

 The 8 year olds

I am between two of my students....Keona and Celina. Keona brought her friend Jade along for the first time. It was nice to have her here also!


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