
I know I have posted pictures of my beloved godchild but really he does mean pretty much to me. This past weekend I kept him for the day on Sunday. He was an angel in church by sleeping the entire time. It is amazing how much he can sleep when he is out of the noise of a home shared with  10 + people. I forget how much work they can be. I thought he maybe could sleep with me in the afternoon. It is hard to sleep with balls pelted against your face, cars driven on you and eyes poked out.... all to the sound of ma ma ma!
I decided since I had the opportunity I might as well do a little photo shoot with him. Plans were to go to the fort after our afternoon service at the poor house. The rest of the group came as well which worked out fine and we didn't have to walk home with Kaden!

"A person's a person no matter how small."

"It is easier to build strong children, than to rebuild broken men."

"Bitter are the tears of a child: Sweeten them.
Deep are the thoughts of a child: Quiet them.
Sharp is the grief of a child: Take it from him.
Soft is the heart of a child: Do not harden it."

 "We worry what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."

I love the little converse! 

 The game of catchers can go to great extremes!

Celina, Bethany and Jatan

Melody and Tuks

Boys will be boys

Singing at the Poor House


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