another week over

Another week has come and gone already. Time isn't stopping. Practicing for sports day is a big thing at school right now. 
 taking a lime while waiting to run

 Older students practicing

 Yes this is my dear student Maleah. She makes me laugh all the time! Good or bad?? I am not sure!

one of the students had my camera...Leandrah is a cute one!

 My dear Nigel...he is so lovey these days! I think the girls are affecting him :)

 Pretty sure I would never participate in this race!

And then the Prince and Princess came to Grenada on a ship. We were told they were passing by the main road so we packed up and waited at the bus stop. Not too long later a forerunner passed and gave us flags and said in another 5 minutes they should reach. 

 Patiently waiting

 Flags in hand and ready!

 Police escort...followed by Prince Edwards in the white car and Princess Sophia in the black car!
Prince Edward is the youngest son of Queen Elisabeth II and is seventh in line to the throne.

 I was vex I didn't get a picture of him. He is in the back right here. My picture through the open back window just so missed him!

 He insisted on having a picture as we watched the procession. Everyday I see him he is wearing a Bob Marley shirt. If I must say so he does really look like the picture!

 some more men lime'n wanting a picture taken!

and then...back to school. 
The weeks of school are just flying so fast I am getting a little worried about school being finished before I am ready for it. Yes you are hearing right. I do not want school to finish! 
On Leap Day I was explaining to my students that in Scotland on that day a man was required to say yes to the woman if she proposed to him. I told them I am considering! They were not to happy about that thought so guess that isn't an option. On another note my one student was trying to read the word "windmill" to me and said mindwheel. She stopped and couldn't figure out how she mixed it up. I burst out laughing...much to my shame and she was like "MISS." Upon taking her time she soon figured out what she did and was laughing! It is the little things in a day that keep me going! Gotta love kids!

Art Class...definitely not my favorite part of the week but if I have my dear crafts from Oriental Trading I am set to go

the beach days have been giving us these promises quite frequently these days...oh well after the rain comes the sunshine so we are surviving the passing showers!


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