
..here it is. It's hot, dry, and breezy. The month is almost halfway gone already. sigh.

It's hard to believe it's been one whole year already that I've been married to this wonderful man. He truly is so extremely good for me.
Marriage is a wonderful thing. It's good to have the first year behind us though. We look forward to many more!

February 7 is Independence Day. The churches had a picnic and cooked the national dish.

Kyla...or little Cindy as I call her.

oil down...it was deliciously made by Sammy.

A few wore their Independence colors!

 Sailing festival was also held the other weekend on the beach. I was wishing so badly I had remembered my camera but alas phone pictures had to work!

Sports Day is coming up for most schools. I went to Wesley College Sports day on Wednesday. It was good to see how secondary schools do it!
I went in support of Alana's son Joshim. He didn't disappoint us. He placed first in three events that I was there for!
He must be a former LaBorie student!!!!!

It was close!

This cutie, Anaya, sat with me some of the time while her grandmother jumped up and down for TEAM YELLOW!

 Yellow marching ban won first place as well!

Sporting our Yellow!!!

I could live off of fresh produce. Lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, mandarines...mmmm.  I have a feeling my garden stateside will be full and overflowing!

Happy Valentines Day!


  1. Wow, go joshim! That's great! Enjoy your last weeks in the warmth cause its cold here :)

  2. Wow, go joshim! That's great! Enjoy your last weeks in the warmth cause its cold here :)

  3. on your last post about babysitting......we are all waiting for you to get back. need a babysitter! Not just for that.....we are all excited to see you. Addy was muttering about Bucket and AJ as she fell asleep. Just stay there for a few weeks yet......4 degrees right now )=.

  4. Enjoyed the post...but enjoyed the babysitting services even more!!:) But we'll miss you for more than that in case your wondering:))

  5. Oh such beautiful sunshine!! I'll just sit and stare at it for a while ;) Sammy makes the BEST oil down. Any chance you can bring me a piece!?


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