Sports Day

I awoke to a noise outside in the morning darkness....hmmm! So they thiefing the bananas eh? I bawl out the window "Eh eh...what going on there...who cutting them bananas?" They replied with the proper answer as if they were the neighbor man who owns them. Little did they know the neighbor man is gone away in the states. I decided it wasn't worth me getting out of bed and turning on the light and trying to see the guilty culprit. They weren't my bananas anyway. Soon rain began to fall....yes this was the postponed day for sports. By daylight the rain was finished and it deemed a cloudy but rainless day for Sports. The day was a fun one with the sun even shining in the late afternoon.  

 waiting for the day to get started

 The Limes and Laura Sr. Girls competing...we don't have any girls in this division!

 Yeah...RED pom-poms for LaBorie           Kody doing the windball toss

 Bag race...a race I would never compete in I am sure!

 Lemar taking the win in the 400m

 Teachers Relay you can see LaBorie is winning!

 3-legged race

and of course a parents race. Eating cake and drinking soda before running 


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