School fun, fishing & friends

As I sit here with the warm tropical breezes blowing, I hear the neighbor man gracing us all with his Christmas tunes. Is it really nearing that time? It doesn't matter how many years I have spent Christmas in Greenz...Christmas can't seem to be Christmas without coldness. Let's forget that. We have a few months yet. 
Last week I spent three days substituting second grade in the Limes. It was fun and I enjoy multiple days much better than one day here and there. They were a great class and I enjoyed it.
This young man, Cassiddee, kept me alert the whole day. 

Painting for Art Class

Peter, Nicki, Cassiddee

Children's Church
An hour or more of story, game and a project, followed with snack.
Twenty kids is plenty for that period of time!

 My husband and I enjoy fishing. The sky darkened for our Friday night fishing. We hurried to beat those threatening clouds, packing supper and grabbing a long bread on the way. The rain came and it didn't stop. Neither did we. After all we had already gotten halfway there. Over the rivers and through the briars till we found a patch to shelter from the torrents. It was now more of a priority to umbrella-ize the backpack than ourselves. As the rain eased up a little we sat on the rainsoaked earth and broke bread, quickly threw out our lines and dodged back to shelter. Not 5 min later we checked our lines and soon had 3 fish.

The rain was heavier than the breeze but lest you think there was no breeze, it nearly swept me away a few times as I grabbed for rocks to hold on too. OK so it was a bad combination of heavy breeze, wet slippers, and slippery rocks.
We sheltered together, barring the wind, trying to stay warm as the shivers overtook us. My one fish I caught was enough for me. I HATE BEING COLD!

It was enough for a meal. We won't complain.

Their mother was killed by the dogs one night. I take pity and feed them.

I promise she is real. I am pretty sure she is as perfect as they come.

Kayla is the big sister, always smiling and in my arms as soon as I reach!
Almost two years old she is still not walking consistently. How I wish I could take her back to the states with me and get proper therapy for her little body!

Baby fever maybe? ha!
 Kevona, my lovely friend and mother to three adorable kiddos

A panoramic picture of our fishing grounds and my favorite fisherman. 

Pray for:
~ the churches and leadership here
~the community
~my husband and I as we make stateside preparations in the next months

With two young men's lives gone in a weeks time just nearby, diseases everywhere and many uncertainties even in my own life, I am challenged by this quote.
"Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's PEACE."


  1. praying for you all! You look good with a baby...just saying :). I love the pictures of school!


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