Prayers and Praise

"Commit thy ways unto the Lord, trust in him and he shall bring it to pass." Ps. 37:5

My husband encouraged me to take a verse each day and meditate on it. This was the first verse that I pulled out of the stack. Hmm....SMACK! God knows what and when I need something. He has proved himself real in so many ways in the past week or so in answered prayers. Prayers that so many times "I" think should be answered immediately. God's timing is always perfect. One of those answered prayers was work for my husband. After what seemed like a long "waiting" time, God came through. He always does, it's just so hard to wait.
Did I learn lots in the waiting time? ABSOLUTELY. (more than I thought necessary maybe)
Was it fun? NO. 
Were we criticized through this time? ...ummm ....uhuh. But who are people? God's ways are so many times not what our human minds think how things should be. 
Would I go through it again? Sure... I believe I will be better prepared for what it holds and rely more fully on my God and what he can and will do...I hope!
What did I learn most? I have no right to judge someone because their life is not going how I think it should be. How do I know that is not exactly where God has them and is molding them for something far greater than I can see. Possibly teaching them lessons to last a lifetime! May I never judge.

The men had camp on Friday-Saturday so the ladies got together and had pizza and homemade ice cream.

We also spent Saturday on the beach. Lots of kids, clear water and SUN!

How can one not be jealous?

fishermen pulled in a net. They had lots of "white kids" help as well.
Girls can too.

I could never tire of this beauty!

 Sunday we had singing at the Poor House- a government run home for handicapped/elderly people.
It is always full of entertainment.

 Bible Club continues to go well. There is always over 15 kids who come. These pictures are for you Rhonda.







 Yesterday I went up to LaBorie and joined Katrina and Ginger in making tortillas. My freezer is now set to go for a little!

This half grown chick is getting pretty brave. I was sure it was going to fly in the house. That would have been trouble.

Every weakness you have is an opportunity for God to show His strength in your life.
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Cor. 12:9

Continue to pray for the churches and the work down here. Many things are not "peaches and cream" but may I and you remember that some day we will be responsible to God in the choices that we are making whether they affect the community around us or the church God has us in! It's a sobering thought.


  1. awwww, I looked at this post several times! Thanks for the pictures, Angie....they're absolutely adorable. I'm so glad you and Leann are keeping that clubs going.


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