Months that slipped by..

Let's continue from long ago it was. Bucket, Bill, Paul and Lynette went for Sid and Tracy's wedding. Brenda and I spent the extended weekend together going hither and yon. This little man join me for one night while his parent's were away. It was good preparation! Melody and Bay came by one afternoon. Mel blessed us with enormous Starbucks to keep us going! Their mom was sick so we took selfies and sent them to uncle! I thought I was big then...sigh! A baby shower for little man the end of the month. It was fun to get prepared for the arrival! this ball was a favorite gift! Some of the friends that came! Work= chick pictures on the belly! In March we decided on this house to move to and rent. It needed some fresh painting and a few other things. Mom and I along with my in-laws set to work so we could be moved in by the end of April. nursery As much as he didn't wanna paint he offered to ...