Months that slipped by..

Let's continue from long ago it was. Bucket, Bill, Paul and Lynette went for Sid and Tracy's wedding. Brenda and I spent the extended weekend together going hither and yon.

This little man join me for one night while his parent's were away. It was good preparation!

Melody and Bay came by one afternoon. Mel blessed us with enormous Starbucks to keep us going!

Their mom was sick so we took selfies and sent them to uncle!

I thought I was big then...sigh!

A baby shower for little man the end of the month. It was fun to get prepared for the arrival!

this ball was a favorite gift!

 Some of the friends that came!

Work= chick pictures on the belly!

In March we decided on this house to move to and rent. It needed some fresh painting and a few other things. Mom and I along with my in-laws set to work so we could be moved in by the end of April.


As much as he didn't wanna paint he offered to do the kitchen. It was the most time consuming room to do and I was ever grateful. Mom and I ended up painting far more than we planned. The walls didn't appear to have ever been cleaned!
 new counter tops made a big difference!
There's even a pond on the property that looks like it should be more for swimming. Unfortunately it appears to be a neighborhood fishing spot which concludes why there are no fish bigger than six inches!

Mom and I enjoy going out to Kris for the day. We usually end up going to Community Aide and Goodwill and whatever else we have time for. This lil miss is a super happy shopper!

After spending six weeks in Grenada, Paul and Lynette returned and spent a few days with us before heading home. The bus they brought down from NYC took longer than planned and I missed my surprise baby shower  at church because I was picking them up. 

The end of April came rapidly and we were packing up to move. Bill and Brenda decided to come the weekend of moving as well. It was fun to see them again after nearly two months. 

Bucket was working nearby at the new hatchery so it was nice to check in!

visited dear Melody at school one day. This was to happen many months ago and here it is nearly the end of school already!

I had a birthday...and we celebrated 37 weeks with this lil man we are more than excited to meet him!

 Mom was babysitting Owen, Addy and Jude so I stopped in after work. They were sure I should have a cake so mom quick made one!
Looks like cake is the last thing I need!

My dear mother turned 60! We celebrated with a brunch at Tomato Pie Cafe!

My dad also planned a party after we had one planned for her and her friends. He rented a banquet room at Yoder's and invited family and friends. 

She's smiling and deep inside we know she appreciated it but she claimed "I couldn't even enjoy my food." lol...oh mom!

 As if two days of partying isn't enough we made a third day the finale. Turning 60 is a big deal ya know!

She got quite a few aprons...I guess it's a sign she might need them!

Some of her cronies from back in her day! They still do quite a bit together!

With just two weeks to go we are eagerly anticipating the arrival. I would be more than ok if he came sooner!


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