
Showing posts from March, 2015

Here (our new home)

God always puts me to the test and he always proves himself above and beyond what we ask. I can't tell you how many things came together financially and in ways of furniture/ furnishings in the first week or days we were in the states. Because of all this we were able to move into our house not even a week after we were here. God answers prayers in his timing. We didn't need them all answered when we were still in Grenada. It's been extremely refreshing to be with family. So fun to at least convince the younger ones that I really am part of the family even though they don't know me. I have a niece that beams when she sees "BUCKET"...and will call his name in church when we are there. It took a day or two till she figured out we were here and not in Grenada anymore. My applesauce making helpers! Then there was Jaxson. I don't think I ever saw a little boy more confused. Although he was told he is going to Uncle's house it coul...

There (the other home)

I almost don't wanna blog about that week that took place almost a month ago. It's hard to look back on those pictures and not miss it. I'll admit my eyes get teary. Life goes on. Dad and the husband concreted a slab for the long missing water tank. That took  a day and then they hooked it up the next. It was lovely to have the parents stay by us the first few days. Some time on the beach with family My family...or some of them. Can't wait to be reunited this summer and all be together for the first time in three years! A farewell/service out on the point with church! This is one lucky 14 year old niece who got to spend a week visiting her friend and family. It was a great surprise for Kaylah. ...and enjoying punch and running on rocks and other sorts of things that this age does. It's hard for me to imagine I was the same but how well I KNOW if I'd ask my mother she would probably say yes. And then there wa...