Here (our new home)
God always puts me to the test and he always proves himself above and beyond what we ask. I can't tell you how many things came together financially and in ways of furniture/ furnishings in the first week or days we were in the states. Because of all this we were able to move into our house not even a week after we were here. God answers prayers in his timing. We didn't need them all answered when we were still in Grenada.
It's been extremely refreshing to be with family. So fun to at least convince the younger ones that I really am part of the family even though they don't know me. I have a niece that beams when she sees "BUCKET"...and will call his name in church when we are there. It took a day or two till she figured out we were here and not in Grenada anymore.
My applesauce making helpers!
Then there was Jaxson. I don't think I ever saw a little boy more confused. Although he was told he is going to Uncle's house it couldn't be comprehended. He stared and was speechless till he got in the house and realized what was going on. It was soon only "uncle, UNCLE, UNCLE." His parents came by us the first weekend we were in our house. It gave me motivation to get the house in order in TWO days!
...from this...
Bill helped B finish up the kitchen. The cupboards were already finished so it was the walls and ceiling.
Work. Since Grenada took me away from all my awesome yard fowl and chicks, I returned to the hatchery and work with them there. It is just part time work for the time but we are surviving. I am not accustomed to the housewife/working routine so that is taking a little to get used too. So far I have done a little bit of everything at the hatchery from setting eggs to delivering chicks.
And now the dining room is almost finished. Room #2 of eleven finished!
One cold, snowy night we knotted a comfort with my sis-in-law.
And a long overdue relaxing time with my long lost friends.
"Martin Gang"...with a few school age kids missing.
This weekend finds us babysitting Daryl Weaver's kids. It was a beautiful night last night only to awaken to snow this morning!
...and this sums up our life stateside for the time. Stop in and visit us anytime. We love visitors.
Isn't this baldy the cutest?
Until next time. Peace and Love.
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