There (the other home)
I almost don't wanna blog about that week that took place almost a month ago. It's hard to look back on those pictures and not miss it. I'll admit my eyes get teary. Life goes on.
Dad and the husband concreted a slab for the long missing water tank. That took a day and then they hooked it up the next. It was lovely to have the parents stay by us the first few days.
Some time on the beach with family
My family...or some of them. Can't wait to be reunited this summer and all be together for the first time in three years!
A farewell/service out on the point with church!
This is one lucky 14 year old niece who got to spend a week visiting her friend and family. It was a great surprise for Kaylah.
...and enjoying punch and running on rocks and other sorts of things that this age does. It's hard for me to imagine I was the same but how well I KNOW if I'd ask my mother she would probably say yes.
And then there was Sports Day that we squeezed in as well.
I'm pretty sure they have more style than I had at their age.
Supporting their colors!
...and out for supper with friends our last night in Greenz.
Three weeks ago we arrived at the airport with the final goodbyes and tears behind. My name came over the intercom about luggage. Now what? Roti skins AGAIN? Into the back we went and the man viciously whipped open my suitcase. The zipper zipped right off the end and that was the end of that one. Well zipper number two was also broken. So we are left standing there with a HUGE quilt that I had wrapped around a carry on suitcase that enclosed my beloved sewing machine. All I could picture was my husband(that's what husbands are for) dragging this enormous quilt onto the plane with us..that was our only option if we checked the carry on in for itself. My little prayer was answered and that other zipper that was off the track was miraculously got back on and it arrived in JFK still closed! After saying the "wrong" things to the immigration officer we were once again ushered to the back room for further questioning on why my husband was coming to the states. The whole way to the back room the man was telling us what we should say...only it would have been a lie. After all he's the one that made us give extra details in the first place. All went well in the back room and through customs
That's the troublesome blue suitcase there on the bottom of the stack.
Was good to have Bumper meet us at the airport. . Snow and heavy breeze welcomed us as we waited outside for the shuttle to pick us up. My lips were purple and my toes froze till we ever got to our coats inside the truck. Dad and B spent an hour trying to cover down the suitcases so they weren't buried in snow till we got home. I'll give it to my husband......he got me beat on not complaining. It was a rude awakening and I'm sure hard on the body!
Cold fingers and snowy roads don't make for good photography.
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