Grenada Trip

Well a few weeks ago...I suppose it is nearly a month now we left the cold for our visit to the lovely island of Grenada. We had a house rented with Bill and Brenda just inside the Limes which proved to be a lovely location. Excuse the disarray of pictures. I just posted them in order of happening more so!

The beach was lovely as always and got frequented quite a bit....of course for the kid's sake :)

As you can tell we also took it easy quite a bit. That heat wears you out after a while.

Our abode for three weeks!

The hair disappeared and relaxation took place!

Granny had to do something with that hair....almost every time she was by!

My dear godchild Kaden came by just before we were to go on the beach. We spent some time together and went on the beach later. Oh how I wish I could adopt him!

His dear mother and sister

Kayla and the baby I gave her for her 3rd birthday!

Pretty sure my husband would be ok with the adoption part as well!

We need to remember this wonderful getting fat stage of life and so we document it with pictures ONLY if I insisted! Here I am at 22 weeks.
 A get away to the pool one day all for myself.
 almost every evening was spent in the pasture

 I don't know who adores who more!
 The two students on the left are the only ones remaining in school that I taught. Time flies. Keona and Abijah will do CPA this year and go on to secondary school as well!
The one Friday we helped with Cross Country. We were crossing guards at a point.

A night by Rose and Thaddeus

Auntie time

Spot it. Such an elementary game but so loud and full of confusion! lol

Beach and more beach...we loved to tired those kids out for naptime!

An evening with a bunch of friends, food and fellowship.

This life is never dull with this man by my side...and he loves these kiddos.

Playing a quick game of marbles with kids before football


Such an intense game



Who doesn't like to watch uncle drain the coconuts?


 Ever cute Limes kiddos
The one with the back of his head showing wanted to show the numbers!


Kyla and Jaxson

He went along with us to the beach so many times.
As you can see he was a good entertainer!

She was the bag security or something so in the shade!

A dear friend of mine and I spent the day at Sandals Resort. It was ever lovely to get the food we liked and drink what we pleased!

The best pix I have of the two of us

and yet another pool


 Coffee and crepes

...and here she is. Her smile sums up the day!

24 weeks pregnant and out for our 2nd anniversary! It was a lovely evening spending quality alone time with him!

Church picnic for independence day at La Tante

Kade and Khaliffa


Of course some people had to watch the super bowl.

Some of us pretended :)

A last evening pot of oil down by the in-laws

His own lil champagne glass

hanging out up top the house

And this couple is getting married tomorrow. Thus the reason my husband is gone....boohoo.


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