babysitting fun

Oh the love of nieces and nephews. I am the auntie that gets to babysit them. Making up for lost years I suppose. Whatever the case. I love them to bits. They like to fight and get on...but oh's part of being a kid right?
Myles ever protective of his bike...rightly so with sisters that snatched it away the second he left it.

Playing horse...the day I would have been that nice to my sister! Maybe it was the bribery it took to get her sister outside.

Dear Owen...constantly saying "take a picture of me" ...followed by "I want to see it"

He's a charmer
Quite exciting putting a puzzle together with two little boys. 
With the girls tucked in bed...they insisted on playing upstairs in their room...
I made good use of the time sitting on the bed and journaling. 

..and I can't forget this little cutie, Addy.


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