It has been a whirlwind and as my husband would say...we are in the "rat race." How did we get here this fast. I look back on my last blog. It looks so cold and long ago but some days it seems like we just arrived here and we have adjusting to do. I will not try to catch you up on our lives. It would take too long and I don't have the time. You see it's been so bad that you could drive passed my house at night and see the blinds unshut, the flower beds weedy, front grass long, and the garden...(just be glad it's in the back)....But I have a job. I have a husband that puts up with my overstressing....and I have food to cook (when I have time). Already running late for my 5 o'clock morning work today I was slowed down when my mug of hot tea went crashing to the floor. The little jig I had to do to avoid the boiling contents had my eyes open in no time. Really I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. Sometimes it's not fun to be in a hurry. It's especially hard to relearn after living in a country that has no schedule. So here's to our life in the month of May. April slipped us by and we will leave it there.
I had a birthday. The BIG 3-0. Red Lobster is where he promised me we would go. 
We both ordered Lobster platters. Mine was rice heaped with crab legs, lobster tail and two kinds of shrimp. We had a coupon for a free dessert but we weren't feeling glutenous. 

Mom had a birthday and mother's day is always around the same time. This year it was a day apart. I had the family that it suited for lunch on Mother's Day. It was the first I cooked for so many people. It was fun making nutmeg chicken. 

Dad got more wood than he could ever cut himself so the sons and son-in-laws got together and did what they could in an evening. Only half of it I believe they said.

It was one of those weeks. Work, Doctor appts (for the hubby), and more work all the while preparing for a weekend at the cabin. I was so glad I had the weekend to push me through the week. Former LaBorie teachers spent the weekend at my parent's cabin. It was simply a.m.a.z.i.n.g.  Fishing, walks, spikeball, rook, phase 10 and just wonderful talks catching up on life. I don't believe I have laughed so hard in a very long time. Really it was just like old times fast forwarded 5 years.
It's good this wasn't around when the "Blue House" lived together or LaBorie would have heard us even more. Competition was high!

All we did was walk up the field lane but till we returned there were deer ticks on Jaxson and I. There's a first for everything!

unfortunately the BIG catfish got away so we settled for blue gills the rest of the day. SIGH!

Bethany always was good at the kissy pictures and Melody was still trying to catch up with what to do...while all Jo cared about was that her "right side" was showing. Lol! I love them.

Her brother had us smitten with his cuteness but she sure is putting up a fight. So much fun and I will claim her as family!
He's big stuff...and his favorite word when we are around is "UNCLE."

filleting the multitudes

caught it with a hook, grilled it and ate it like a boss!

lush cabin beauty

He claimed he had the touch...apparently he did.

Till we meet in Indiana...It's been good! Real Good!


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