In the last month...

Another month has passed. After that fun weekend at the cabin with friends we spent the following weekend with family.

This little miss was my daughter from Fri-Saturday till her parents came. She liked to copy her grandpa. We left her door open to sleep but forgot a light. She woke up crying in her pak-n-play and her auntie was to blame..."Angie put me in here." She slept the rest of the night with her cousins.

 Her brother had to have a tooth surgically removed so that is why they came late.

We went up earlier than the rest so they could dig out for the new fire pit.

Discussions? Debates?...some might call it arguments. All is well that ends well :) I mean...the pant legs are even up!

Aleah adores Lauren and will not be put down unless Lauren can get away and hide!

one last boat ride...since the pond is being drained. I'm rather bummed about that!

 I'll leave you guess who wasn't impressed with this 6+ foot guy. You can tell it wasn't Isaac. He drove the 4-wheeler back while his dad held it like this on the stick!

 He loved this dog...or any dog!
 Call me biased but he is really cute.
 a turtle getting some initials carved in him. He was a feisty one and refused to stay inside his shell.
A walk.
games and more games.

We had a little date night. My hubby whooped me in mini-golf.
...and then I drug him to Starbucks. He had to admit it wasn't too bad.

And then there was the time where three brothers were reunited and spent the weekend all in the same house. It made for late nights and yummy food (some we even caught)


My yard sale finds 

The poor girl....

Bethany and Judah so nicely left us come and fish in a pond on their grandparents land. It took awhile but we were successful and grilled those babies Sunday lunch.

The husband played in a 3 vs. 3 small goal football tournament. It was a beautiful day and lots of fun to sit and watch him do what he enjoys.

And they managed to pull through and win. They are a fun group of guys.

Last week Bucket helped my brother move the slats back in his chicken barn. We were enjoying our "after work" ice cream when in came Genie on his gator with some visitors from by gone days.
 I believe you can see they were excited to see each other. Pastor Raymond used to pastor with Bucket's father and lived in Grenada for many, many years.

Yesterday was Father's day. We celebrated with wings, fries, steak, burgers and salad. 

she is the most talkative 2 year old I know.  Adalyn



wild kiddos. Diving through the hula hoop.

He's my favorite. It has been an adjustment but God is faithful.

In other news....his paper work should be through before long. WE.HOPE. The attorney has everything he needs and just has to mail it to the higher powers. We are both more than ready for the "normal American life." You can keep it in your prayers as it comes to mind.


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