
I feel like I am drastically behind in the blogging world thus it seems I should skip a few months. I will try to catch you up on life. How did life get so busy?
We spent a weekend by Bill and Brenda. We spend many weekends together with them. That's what family is for right?
Training him young to be a keeper!

I taught him how...but it was a little scary watching him do it with out a hand!

He loves his "UNCLE" dearly but these days it's only Angie he wants to talk to on the phone. Love him.

 Then we made a trip to Indiana. It was lovely to go to Justin and Laura's wedding and then spend some time with Grenada people. Jodi and Brian were awesome hosts for the weekend fun.

My "other" little sister. So glad I got to spend two of my favorite years with her!

A few too many cameras going at once. These are the ladies that were at the Grenada reunion.

Driving and more driving....we were all quite tired of the traffic troubles on the way home!

 My dad turned 60. 
My sister-in-law Heidi hosted a wonderful party.

A gag gift cane equipped with a horn, mirror, whistle and a few more things I can't remember!

My cute niece Aleah.

Babysat these kiddos. Between riding bike and playing football they kept themselves well entertained.

 The uncle had training sessions with them. I must say they did well!

When it gets dark you resort to fooseball.

 We spent a weekend with Bill and Brenda...this time by us!
Walmart selfies

We limed on our upstairs veranda and enjoyed the full moon. is getting cold already and blankets were needed. Summer please stay!

Some days I don't know how this little man still likes his uncle.

Who says he can't entertain himself....or maybe it's cuz his sister was gone?

 Big stuff.

Daryl and Jen came for a meal of roti, macaroni pie and cabbage salad. Oh and how could I forget some yummy sorrel as well!

Always fun reconnecting with them.

 Sunday lunch we spent with Lester and Marian and Ted.
The afternoon was gone before we knew it. No time for afternoon naps.

That sums up August. September is well on it's way out the door as well :(


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