September until now

September was a good month. 
Kathy's abundance of grapes had me canning far more than we will ever need. Who cares?

He still hadn't been working so he could reach them like a pro.

Some might say hard up? It was successful.

We made a good two hour trip to Mifflintown? A friend I used to hang out WAYYYYYY back in the day and I hadn't seen for over 6 years invited us for supper.

We took their rangers off roading...and on roading to a local icecream shop.

My husband celebrated a birthday. It seems to be the only time I can get a picture out of him!

My life continues by packing eggs Monday- Friday and working at the hatchery.
Thursday mornings you will find me washing down these hatching trays.
It's getting too cold for me. My fingers turn to ice!

starting early warrants beautiful sunrises almost every time!

We spent a Sunday evening geocaching with the family mainly in the project. Quite a few hikes took us back in the bush pretty far.

If you go looking for the "horse and rider" will really have to look for it!

The middle of the month my husband got his work permit. It was and is to have someone else doing the majority of income. September 30 found us in Philadelphia for his green card interview. As much as people act like it can be quite the ordeal we spent about ten minutes in the interview. I credit that to answered prayers and an attorney who was very organized! The green card arrived a week later!
Now we can make our winter travel plans!
Since he had the day off he went and got his permit as well. Most times I am thankful to take the passenger's seat. *spouses weren't made to teach driving skills*

 I was a freshman when she made me an aunt for the first time! Where has time gone?

Family visited us since we had done a lot of traveling that week.

The guys took Jaxson and went fishing. When they got home Kenzie was up from her nap and Brenda went to do our shopping. We returned to quite the babysitters. Kenzie didn't let them sleep much by finding all the toys that make noise!

This kid is obsessed with Thomas. 

They had to experience Fox Meadows with us!

He thinks he can get her to stop moving!

 Canned deer meat!

We babysit Daryl Weaver's kids so they could celebrate their parents anniversary.
I'll admit my husband is a better entertainer than I am.

The next weekend it was the youngest four of my brother's kids. They spent an afternoon and evening out with friends. This little nephew was quite the trooper living off of a bottle...and lots of sleep of course!
The heat in our house wasn't working. Poor Jude had to stay bundled up!

 I told you he does so well.

This past Monday mom and I spent the day at my sister painting her new house.

This weekend they are moving. My niece makes her little arrival before long so the move needs to happen!

So with all the excitement of work permit, driver's permit, and green card I would have to say the most exciting of all was .....

We couldn't be more excited and we covet your prayers that all would go well for us!


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