Cabin time and baby time

Lots has happened in life since the last blog. Holidays always makes things go fast. It's hard to believe it is nearly a month ago that it was Thanksgiving and here we are fast approaching Christmas.
A while back we took family pictures...or Bill and Brenda did. We snapped a few as well.

Jaxson was quite the picture pooper...smiling only when he wanted which was next to never!

A free dresser along the road that my husband so nicely but grudgingly helped me "quickly" load into the vehicle. He said it was only fit for one thing...the burn pile.

It now awaits new handles that are an odd size and hard to find. I think I will resort to filling in the holes and making new ones!

I told Jaxson I had something but he was too stubborn to come with me so Kenzie did. He wasn't too happy when I put Thomas on her!


The first weekend of rifle was spent at the cabin with everyone but Reynold and Kris.

What did people do at the cabin before techno times?

many Rook games


Games are so much more fun if he is helping!...or so they seem to think!
I mean look at that style! I think they were supposed to copy him.

And then the there was the sister that was due to have a baby. With a busy time of year ahead we all hoped she would go early or on time. Of course she went late. It was ok with me though since she actually hit a day that I had NO plans other than leave work early! After what seemed like hours in labor..(and I wasn't the one having it) Mariah Jo made her appearance on Dec. 8. It really was amazing being able to witness it. May 2016 can come a little faster now. Not much but a little bit!
Puffy newborn face

He got to the hospital with my parents just minutes after she was born. It was nice to have someone to drive home with after an exciting day!

She's much cuter now and getting ever so big.

It has been really warm. So warm that I decided there is no point waiting till spring to clean up all the leaves that are now off the trees. And who has to mow in the middle of December anyway? It's ok though....I'm looking forward to 60 degree weather on Christmas day.

Until next time....or maybe after our trip to the Caribbean. Peace and JOY!


  1. thanks for sharing all the pictures! congratulations on the baby news! and glad to hear Bucket got a green card. when are you leaving for Grenada? still hoping to see you sometime soon! have a blessed new year! Karen


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