Kicking and Shaking

They said that's how IT will come out. So we waited..measure this.measure that.and then they said it is a BOY. I should have known. That little mister moved the entire time and we never did get good heart pictures so we may have to do another ultra sound. That's ok I don't mind another chance to see that little one. We only hope to raise him to be a shaker for the good in this world we live in!

A blurry profile picture but it was the best she could get....sigh!

We also spent a few days with Kendall's kids while they made a quick trip to Grenada. Since they are all in school the days went fast and the weekend just as fast.

from this

 to this

 Competitive Brothers
Becky and Bucket were a team. She kept right up with her brothers.

a little hot maybe?

We spent some time Saturday at the Bounce House to pass the time

It appeared like she had pink eye on Sunday so we opted to stay away from people and pack eggs instead! She was delighted!

Madison Brielle made her appearance while Kendall's were gone. Another cute niece to snuggle and add to my baby fever!

There was the Fox side Christmas dinner back in December.
This grandma is amazing. 
18 children
99 grandchildren
over 100 great grandchildren
ALL...because of two people.

And then there was our immediate Fox family Christmas celebration on Christmas day.
I believe we calculated it had been 7 years since our family was all together for Christmas. 
It was lovely.

The weather was beyond amazing. As you can see the kiddos and men enjoyed some very competitive wiffle ball. Wonder where they get that spirit?

I believe it was boys vs. men

Mariah...ever so sweet!


AJ putting Addy's Cmas gift to use!

Bill and Brenda joined us late Christmas day evening. It was a busy day...but fun to connect with the other side of the family for the weekend!

Pitching oversized marbles!

That's our catch up on's off to the Isle of Spice this week for a little while! 


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