Time is fleeting...

The days go the slowest. The weeks fast and the months faster.  How is our baby 5 months already?
He jumps for over an hour in this swing. Chews on anything he can get in his mouth. His two teeth are through and getting BIG!

He's a good man. We love when it's time for him to come home. If Kai is awake when he comes home you will see thrashing arms and hear screams of delight. How do they learn so young?

He thinks it is easier to bathe him here than in the tub!

Waking up is so much fun. He usually lays in his crib and talks for awhile but at the sound of KAI...his head is straight up peering over the crib at me. Then he lays it back down for my kisses and smiles with delight.

He still doesn't roll. Why would you, after all, if you are content with the toys in front of you?

We ventured out to my sister Kris for the day. The first time all alone. Thankfully he slept the entire time both ways. She was doing a photo shoot for someone so she snapped a few of Kai as well.
 Mariah just couldn't stay away!

We are hearing he is looking more like his mom more and more. We finally got out the baby pictures and my husband is starting to think he is more me than him now. I believe the top half of his face is Fox. The nose and mouth I can't claim. I believe that makes him a good mix. 

We spent a weekend at the cabin with two of my brothers. It was a beautiful warm fall weekend. Kai did well for his first cabin trip.
Fatty...yes he is!

Addy and Aleah fight like I never knew two little girls could. They also have their fun times as well...few and far between. Hopefully in another year it will be better!

He went out archery hunting with my brother. Now he thinks maybe he would enjoy that! I'll enjoy the meat...just get it somehow!


Getting his practice!

This swing was nice to have if his cousins could leave him jump.

It doesn't seem that long ago I was holding Mary Kate like this. So crazy how fast time goes! I really don't wanna think about what the next 12 years look like!

She found this on our walk. Her attempt to scare her uncle with it didn't work.

He really is almost always this happy. When he is tired he whines a little and usually a little rocking and he is asleep. His two teeth came in with no sickness. I feel blessed and am hoping he is this easy of a teether all the time!

Really mom? The smiles were scarce cuz it was naptime and when it is naptime he wants to sleep!

Hooray...pictures are finished.

I am back at work again. Ginger babysits for me. It's just one day a week and fun to be back in the hatchery. It splits up my week and doesn't make my week quite as boring. Some days just drag...but work day not so much. You can see Ginger is good at putting him to sleep :)

And then we had family pictures back whenever....They turned out great. I still feel a little fat from the baby but...we are slowly returning to normal. lol.  I will share ours so that way the others can share theirs. 

Two and a half years...some of the hardest but most rewarding ever. I wouldn't change a thing. Not ever!


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