Christmas and the such

I love Christmas...well buying gifts in general. Who doesn't like a good excuse to spend money on those you love. We didn't get Kai much since he won't remember it anyway other than on pictures.
Kai couldn't wait to taste that wrapping paper.

His gifts. The paper was more fun though of course!

We spent Christmas eve day at my mom for a delicious supper. Kai was sick a lot of the week so he wasn't the happiest baby.

Lauren can hardly have it when he cries and wants me. When the scream intensifies she hands him back pretty fast!

 They had to sing a song to grandma before they got a gift. These three girls contemplated going without!

This was also Madison's first Christmas even though she is almost 1!

He would have nothing to do with being laid down to sleep for some reason. So I barred the noise and he napped this way. Yes his hair is curling when it feels like it...usually if he sweats!

If you hear loud music from the Glen Fox residence when you pass this is why. 

Plenty of help!

Yummy paper for days!

He still don't get around. He's content sitting...and laying on his belly for awhile. He moves some but not intentionally. I am told to enjoy it. The doctor said he might just decide to walk and skip the crawling. That's what I did so it shouldn't be a surprise.

The favorite part of the day is when his dad comes home. Squeals and jumping around are usually what takes place!

No wonder he don't learn to crawl...his mom just has him bird watching all day. lol

Daddy on diaper duty!

...and a few from November
I pushed for him to take his nuk. Finally at 5 months he decided he likes it!

 We babysat one night...well as you can see I didn't have much babysitting to do other than make supper.

...and then another night

 we spent a weekend in Belleville

 Kai at 6 months weighing 18lbs 7oz. chug-a-lug!


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