
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings' end!"

That "other" beginning is now an end and moved on to much greater...Marriage. The long anticipated day was gone before we knew what happened. 
It was a beautiful day. A great start to a wonderful life. I almost forget I'm only married a week. It seems so normal already!

the first look


My dear nieces and nephews...yeah I miss them a lot. More than I thought I would.

Mom and Dad....it's not always been easy but you've been there when we needed you the most. Thanks for your support and prayers the last few months especially!

These ladies really do rock my world. They have made my Grenada days amazing. I love you Kevona,Melody, and Alana.

our flowers were a little delayed in coming... Thus some pictures the guys don't have their bouttonieres.

my little man...my godchild Kaden. He refused to smile...how I love him!

His lovely mother and sister Kayla

the people that mean the world to us! 
 There's been rough times planning this wedding. Things we would never want to go through again but these people have been understanding beyond words. You have no idea how your cooperation has helped us along. 

Alana: She's been a friend since I first moved to Grenada. She's a mother to two dear boys. Her life isn't where God wants it but he's still working. Pray for her!
Melody: I lived with her for 2 years on this Isle of Spice. She's been a sister and support through this relationship and my move back to the states. Mel you are amazing. Continue to allow God to work in your life and lead you!
Brenda: She's now an in-law. Long before my husband and I existed she spent a month on this island with her then boyfriend. We connected and have ever since. Thanks for your help these last 6 weeks...Glad your in this family with me!!!
Sister Krista: She's more than a sister..she's a friend. Many years ago when we lived together we told mom we are going to marry black boys...little did we know! I'm excited for May so I can meet that little child that was ferociously kicking. 
Kevona: She spent many nights by our house when I lived in LaBorie. A mother to two of the cutest kids, her life hasn't been easy. God has plans for her life even though the road ahead looks long. Keep her in your prayers as well.

I'm still smiling. Marriage is still wonderful and the honeymoons over. lol

Coutain family
It made me wish so badly his father was here as well. God's plans we don't understand.
During the ceremony his father's name was mentioned and it was the only time my emotions got weak. My prayer for my husband is that he can be what his father was to his family.

My husband told me just yesterday...he would do this day all over again.
I never thought I'd hear those words!

the sun was bright...close eyes...one.two.three OPEN

sister-in-law Brenda

"Laundry is the only thing that should be sorted by color"

..the time is almost here...

I was trying to calm her pounding corsage :)

...and they gave me away to the most amazing man ever!

We Did It!

ha...love this...fatherly wisdom!

When I'm with you the only place I want to be is closer.


  1. I almost get teary eyed looking at these- so wish we could have all been there! Looks like it was lovely!


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