Rehearsal and set up

"Cant we just go back to page one and do it all over again?"....said no one ever! Well not this person anyway. Oh the preparations for our day seem like a long ago memory. Crazy how fast you can forget when it's all over but how REAL it is when you are in them moment!

 tent set up

 It was a family many others
The love keeps getting stronger!

I never did take a final picture of the church decorated. The day went too fast and it was rehearsal time before we knew it!

The cake umm...kinda collapsed. Amy did good at fixing it back up again!

Rehearsal time it was. Looks like the father knows what he's doing.

Someone looks thrilled. I know...we all just wanted to get it over with!

It was a bit chaotic but the coordinators did a wonderful job!

The amazing singers! I was determined to listen to them during the ceremony. I did ...and they did a wonderful job!

So amazing to have family here. It almost didn't seem real that they came just for us!

Ttwo of our lovely friends. Akeem and Alana
 Pastor John and Ms. Rachel
My nephew Jaxson (I can say that now) He is a little charmer!


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