Little Bitty

It's alright to be little bitty....little house....
We're just living on love.
One bedroom apartment took on a whole new meaning.
bedroom...being the main room. Curtains are not good sound barriers for this early bird who likes to go and jog when it is dark and come back and start the wash, put the wares away and other things. Any sort of noise from the kitchen can be disturbing to those sleeping. Thus...I should maybe learn to go back to bed and start my day two hours later!..maybe.
But I like our lil house.It works for the time...and when we move it'll seem like a mansion!

It's big enough to cook food in. After all that is what matters right?

I just love living off fresh fruit. Fruit punch made every day...well not quite!

It is fun cooking for someone that enjoys eating!

What has life consisted of since almost a month of marriage has gone already? Lots...I haven't hardly had a minute to be bored.
 I substituted at school 3x last week...two different schools.
It felt good and pretty normal to be back in the classroom again.

 My husband and I agreed to babysit 12 kids so some family and friends could go out for supper. Before the babysitting came to be we had 7 more that needed a babysitter as well. Yes that's right...19 kids- 12 and under.
We survived. I guess they did too...I have since decided maybe I will hold off on the want of twins. 
here's about half of them patiently awaiting supper!

I've been trying to branch out and try some Grenadian cooking.
Here's my seasoning chicken adventure. I must tasted "real nice."

Instead of waiting for my sis-in-law and mother-in-law I jogged the direction of market and got their early early. It was just lovely... lots of bananas and fruit to get without having to wait and fight over it. I believe Wednesdays will find me jogging that direction more often!
my market bargains

Church sing-a-thon at Quarenteen Point
and then the beautiful sunset

Most every evening Brenda, Jaxson and I go walking while the husbands play football.

 Yes I was lucky enough to capture my man scoring!

Limes kiddos practicing the high jump for sports day!

visited this little cutie and her mother

lovely early morning sunrise from our house

That's your little bitty peek into our lives. 


  1. Love the peek into your life. The whole holding off on wanting twins made me laugh. :) babysitting can be exhausting no matter how old they are!


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