Food & Fellowship

Hungry?...apparently it was in it's dying days!

 Maybe this picture is more appetizing?
This is manicou (possum) that joined a pot of Brown Down. It was a free Friday night so Sid cooked the pot and we hosted the event.
....These ingredients maybe look more appealing. Okra, potatoes, carrots, and many seasonings were included in it as well!

Not so bad looking after all eh?
 Quite delicious...the dumplings are one of my favorite and I ate more of those than anything else!

As a farewell for Pastor John and Ms. Rachel the churches got together at a playing field. It was accompanied with delicious bbq chicken and macaroni pie supplied by the Laborie people!


Since it is almost routine to post a picture of my pets I better would. lol. Here are the nine, little, freshly hatched peepers that showed up yesterday! I can't wait to work with chicks again when I get stateside.

Ginger so kindly took pictures for us for Christmas cards. Hopefully you will see them sometime in the next month or so!


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