People and Peepers!

She's just a child. She comes by my house occasionally. I'll admit I groan at times seeing her walk up my steps. A blue crayon has traces of her on my mop and a support board on our veranda. The laptop has been pounded by her fingers when she's left out of my reach. Toys have never been mistreated like they are when she is here. Her mouth produces words I didn't know till I was a teenager. Discipline was/is unnecessary because she is too little. (according to her father)  Her mother just made a child with a next man....a mere boy himself. Meet Angelica...she's three years old. Pray that I would have patience with her and know how to handle her when she is here.

Her cousin is in Kindergarten in the Limes school. My first impression of him was not much different than hers. I would pass him on the road and he would have no respect and wouldn't greet me like Grenadian children are supposed to. His father is in prison. His mother was a teenage runaway. He comes by me almost every afternoon. Times have changed for him since he entered school. He's polite and respectful when he's here and plays by himself well....if his cousin isn't along. He likes to tell me what he learned in school, sing me his latest Christmas program song and reprimand his cousin when she cusses...."God will deal with her ent miss?"It's encouraging to see the transformation that good influence on a small part of the day can bring in this young boy's life. Pray for five year old Himron and his mother if you think about it!

And then there's Piper the Peeper...or so I named it. After hearing it peep for nearly an afternoon I went in search of it. Found alone, not more than two days old, I searched for the mother. I know the chickens around here and knew there was none this small that I had seen as yet!
As soon as I put it in the box it made a set of annoying noise I couldn't stand. So around the house on my shoulder it went. This is where it wanted to sit...right up under your chin. The pictures of Jalisa with it are cuter than me!

These children took home a pet. It survived their hands...but not the hands of a neighbor child!

Football continues late afternoons till dark in the pasture. I go down most nights and watch or take pictures. 
 Warm ups

It's wet and muddy and produces dirty wash for me but that's ok!

Goooooooaaaaaalllll....scored by my man!!!!

small men practicing
Jade and BJ

 With all the rain we have been having this past week I am seeing some long awaited results in my tomato plants! My first tomato is getting BIG! So amazing how these plants started from little seeds I dried out of a tomato!
As you can see my beach day got a little wet also. The house up on the hill is where my husband has been working the last while!

"Oceans will rise, kingdoms will fall: but the Word of the Lord stands forever." Is.40:8

My afternoon buddy has reached. I should be going!


  1. Again, I loved your post. Your words about Himron were encouraging! Enjoy your last months of warmth, it's so cold here!


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