a GeT aWaY

We all need times to get away from the normality of busy life and relax with other things to do. This is how our two week Easter break started for the blue house. We took two days away from the life in LaBorie and retired to a place where the reality that we we live in Grenada was nearly nonexistent. Today we returned home so we could unpack to repack so we can be gone to a next island Petite Martinique for two days with the youths.  

 We had to wait for the fine dining to open so we used up the time by taking many many pictures.
These are only a few of the masses that we had.



They had a coffee menu like nothing I have seen here yet! It had simply amazing drinks. GO GRENADA!!!!

This is my ultimate favorite picture.

poolside food

There were two of these jacuzzis atop the pool.

We are so busy that these were the only two days from now to the end of school that the three of us could squeeze in a little trip all together. We made the most of it. After a busy trimester of school it was by far the ultimate! Friends have got to be one of God's greatest gifts ever. Mel and Bay you have and are such an encouragement and challenge to me to live life to the fullest and ultimately to give it all to God. I would hate to imagine my life without you two in it the last year! You have been through a lot with me....I know..sigh but you rock my world!


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