Hither and Yon

Hikes and more hikes...On Friday we bused..oh yes we bused.... with a drunk man in front of me and later beside me the entire hour ride! With only a few lines in his vocabulary he got old VERY fast. "Captain......watch the corner....oh LAWD"...." I ain't have...I tell ya..I ain't have." I tried to tell him we all knew he ain't have, that he was to hush his mouth and count trees but nothing seemed to sink in..not even with the random whipping off of his hat and chewing on it would shut his mouth! We did reach Mt. Carmel Falls, our destination. Where we really wanted to go was the natural water slide not quite by the falls. Here it is in all it's jutting beauty. On the slimy rocks you slid..this way and that attempting to stay in an upright position till you reach the bottom. Then attempt to climb up on lil groves in the rocks to the left of the falls. 

 Mt. Carmel Falls itself

Blue house sisters

the drowned rats traveling homeward

We love to walk. It just brings fulfillment in accomplishing something. Last year the blue house hiked the eastern half of the island from Levera down to Grand Anse! It was time to do the western side since Jo was back with us. Pastor John so kindly got up at the unearthly 5 a.m. hour and  dropped us up in Sauteurs at 6 a.m. and to St. George's we went. It was about 22 miles!

Scenery along the way

We needed a picture. Some call us stubborn. We prefer determined!

It was the fishing side of the island...we saw a lot of this along the coast.

..and then there were the drunks. If they weren't chasing us down the road..they found us on our drink breaks. One was calling us monks. He then proceeded to ask my name..I told him Monk. That seemed to suffice. This one above even knew Spanish. lol. Or he tried.

relaxing in Gouyave

apples are high in energy..I think?

We found the van that just recently went over the cliff and two brothers were killed.
It really did look mashed up but it was a far drop so understandable.

We reached town. My feet were so ready. My bed never felt so relaxing. I should do that more often!


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