Inside or Out?

It's how I feel. STUCK. *sometimes... on good days..I stick my head out* that.
Today was one of those days.

It's early morning gym when work is finished or brave the boisterous wind.
Today I did both! If you feel to join me in either endeavor..please do..I would LOVE a workout partner!

 Have you not heard? BAhAHah..ok I shouldn't be so wicked.! some unborn as yet!

Shopping these days and trying to save money is a joke. Well not till I realized I can buy kids biggest size clothes for half the price of adult S. .#check YES!!!
Online buying is another story. You would think something you bought less than a year ago would still fit, same size. sigh. Oh well..maybe some day I will grow into it. lol. 
Bring out the bathing suits....summer is coming. Oh wait..I mean GRENADA!


  1. Wow Angie! So cool to hear you looking forward to little ankle biters of your very own! I guess being around the nieces and nephews is getting you prepared. Don't buy too many clothes - they won't all fit in those suitcases heading to Grenada!


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