Isle of Spice..part 2

..double trouble..

he was a little scaredy cat....peeping around and between Kendall's legs as the plane come in!
We watched the massive Virgin Atlantic come in with all it's roaring fury. Something thrilling about sitting right under it as it nearly takes you along in the final seconds of landing!

it was a good thought to swim here...that was where it ended!
He spent the night...and slept 12 hours. Crazy what a quiet house can provide but three in a bed didn't provide me with much sleep :) When he woke up in the morning he just laid in bed smiling! 

Children's church!
girls club

an afternoon at the pool

and then buying our pay for our pool usage!


  1. PLEASE tell me there's a part 3!! I'm very muchly enjoying these :)

  2. ....the rest is still unwritten..or maybe the best :)


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