Time is ticking!

These days are flying by...busy with vaccinating chicks (and lots of them) along with cleaning dog hair infested houses. I may note that I am positive if these people had to clean themselves there would be NO pets in the house.I guess that is why I get paid :)
I love this little one...and she loves me too. Sadly that bond will soon be forgotten.

now this goober...he told me the other day he wants to see Bucket. His quote on the matter later was "I think what I will do is just go with you when you go." Sorry mom...he said he wouldn't miss you!

Enjoyed a morning at Scratch Cupcake with some friends...it was rather tasty..and costly!

Helping my dear mother get some painting done before I depart. Excuse the attire. In these temperatures comfort is rated highest.

this dear..yeah I can't get enough of her! lol
time is ticking and the countdown is on...well it has been actually!
it's under two months...the barrel is getting shipped this week. Some suitcases are packed. sigh...But there is still so much more to do. 

"We aren't called to be like other Christians; we are called to be like Christ."


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