Week in review

I'm sorry I must bore you with so many pix of my nieces and nephews. You don't have to read or look at them. They are my life pretty much. Thus the pictures abound.
Looking at my little books I just did of the past two summers!

Owen and Adalyn

Oh wait...I do have more of a social life other than family...sometimes. Only with special people! I spent this past Saturday afternoon roaming the streets of Lancaster City and  Central Market until the coldness overtook us.
Maybe I should have tried this. Looks like it belongs on the bottom of the ocean.
Oh and how could I forget the yummy brownie and coffee from Prince Street.
{relaxing.girl time.}

It is hunting season and for some it has been a very successful one. The little brother made the last day of archery count and filled his tags!
 I must say the two deer look similar. Dad's was shot a few weeks ago though.

This week we spent a day at my friend Nicole's house in Shippensburg. 
Sister's and friends.
Excuse Rhonda's blurry face. She likes to move around alot...lol!

Keona was kinda sick...She needed a coloring partner. Took me back to coloring as a child on my grandma's floor.
Jackson looks a bit out of it...must have been the drive for ice cream.

 Trickling Springs Creamery in Chambersburg. It was very creamy and delish..but my two scoops was plenty!
 The happy pappy!
And my wonderful friend Nicole who had us over. Our lives go wayyyyyy back and most of it will stay right there. Thanks Nicole for the fun day and yummy lunch!

"Imperfect people is all God has ever had to work with.That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but he deals with it. So should we!" Jeffrery Holland


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