Matthew 6:34,27
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

It's a verse I just studied. One I need daily. It's so easy to worry especially at this point in life...but the Word is truth and worrying will get me no where!

The weeks are flying. Some days I feel like I just arrived but the calendar and countdown is telling me otherwise. Here is a few pictures (ok a lot) of the past week or so!
Sewing bridesmaids dresses. Thanks to Kathy for being here a week and doing it for me. 

working on the school/church. All the classes are out of this building and scattered three other places. It makes for less than ideal studying but the finished work will be lovely.

he's still my Davey Baby

Abijah and I..a former student of mine..she is beyond special!

One of the classes working at tables.

hard at work...

First grade sweet hearts...distracted by the work going on they decided to come and watch a little!

Celina and Nigel...former students as well...Nigel was my little how he has grown.

and this lil guy is walking...well when he feels like it!

out for supper with the family. We walked. They came on the truck.

My better half. It is more than wonderful being here with him. Just a few more weeks till that great day!

going strong all day wore him out. I think he was ready to fly again!

Joshy Poshy....crazy kid

Cool shirt Myles!
 A night on Quarenteen point
We got a little rain upon as you can see...but it was soon over!
Kendall cooking a good pot of oil down!

Yet another beautiful sunset

After our Sunday afternoon service we stopped at an old church tower.
Up inside we went...the view and breeze were amazing.

Euran...being himself!

These people down there...they pretty much rock my world!
 ..and these are the soon to be family for real! They seem like it already!
have a blessed week!


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