Week one in Greenz

This has become home....the island that is. I'm scattered here and there for the time and cannot wait to be established in one place alone.
This little man is more than spoiled. I love him dearly. Well both of them really!

I have visited this place a little. Not nearly enough but other stuff needs to be done as well!

My godchild Kaden...simply amazing to see him again.

after a bit he warmed up to me and was wanting held.

his dear mother and baby sister!

an afternoon with junior and senior youth

Mr. Caleb 

My lovely fiance and I brought the New Year in on the beach not far from the fireworks!

My dear Davey Baby!

loving the fresh fruit....mangoes are amazing!

While the parents were away...we enjoyed an evening of visitors!

Yes Jaxson is a little cutie!

Bucket had all sorts of "tricks"

Somebody is ready for bed! *late night*

I don't even wanna think about how many puzzles I have done!
Life is good.


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