Easter Holiday

It seems like a while ago but really it was just a little over two weeks. FMH was here to help with VBS. I had the 7 yr. olds and my attendance ranged from 11-15 daily. I was accustomed to usually knowing the students I had or most of them but with a new location came new faces.

All colors...all precious as can be

One of my girls...Shanti

Average attendance was 160 something

here we are...trying to be normal

...so many adorable faces

Easter was somewhere in the midst as well. We got up early for a sunrise service although the clouds kept it hidden from view. So thankful that no clouds could interfere that resurrection morning.

the sun is up

 ...he is a cute nephew

Late afternoon, Easter Sunday, we hung out with the Fox family that we have here with us. Thanks to Ginger for an amazing "American" supper!
playing games with the kids

Our attempts to live off the sea have been pretty successful. This was one of our meals.
Along with beautiful nights fishing, comes many pictures like these.

unedited beauty

This is a glimpse into our lives the past couple of weeks gone. A next blog will be needed for the many changes from this week.

"Sometimes God stretches us out of comfortable situations in order to stretch us and cause us to use our faith."


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