Creatures and life

You can hear them at all times of the day or so it seems. They keep you awake at night.(ok so it is probably morning.) As the back door creaks open you can be sure to find some loitering in the bush watching for any hand motion as their clue to food scraps. You may guess this would be a cat or dog. Yes, we have plenty of those as well but these are wild chickens. They are as smart as they are dumb...I know that hardly makes sense but they are smarter than most chickens I've seen. They have to be I suppose since they are in the wild. Soon after we moved here a squawking mother was heard as a predator got the best of her, leaving behind her 5 chicks. I kind of think they are cute so I feed them quite often. As a child, my husband used to catch them with a noose. Right out our back door is a raised level ground that makes it easy to lure them in and do exactly that.
Here's the little chicks...they're not so cute anymore though.

pretty sure this is the one that crowed every morning.

one of the ones that we left go

This big cock would always linger in the back letting the hens eat. Daniel told me they are smart and smart too much he was. Upon catching a few small ones, and feeling not enough meat on them, we let them go. The rooster was the one we wanted. I've been told these chickens have a very sweet meat and they are good if they are pressure cooked. Rightly so they are going to be a tough meat.
He...that big cock... was our lunch today. His greediness caused his death. The meat did taste nice. My mother-in-law cooked it for us since she has the cooker. As you can see she even gave us the foot. I believe it went out the back door just where it took it's final steps.

There's been troubled seas in the past weeks with Jared's death and many church issues. Little did I know when I took this stormy picture not long before what the future held for Jared's final breath here.
But standing from that very pier a new morning dawned and the promise of a more beautiful place awaits each one of us.

We had our first visitors other than family the other weekend. Was fun to spend time with some other couples again. It should happen far more often but isn't the easiest since we don't have a vehicle.

Something easy since it was the same week we moved.

Jaxson and Chelsea relaxing

We had a Mother's Day meal at church and the men were to make and bring the food.
I must admit they did a great job and the food was amazing.

Washing the wares

Love these two....And will miss the little one dearly when he leaves here.

So much fun babysitting him
...even when I can't get anything done without holding him!

I spent three days substituting in Laura since one of the teacher's went back for Jared's funeral. It is always fun to get in the classroom again. The disadvantage was the hour bus ride to and from.

It was relaxing to spend a day on the beach with family after a busy week.
I will never tire of the beauty.

Unlike other times on the beach he really enjoyed it this time.

 Don't let the smile deceive you. He's as naughty as he is cute!

the men spent most of the time snorkeling and diving.

since we stayed far longer than planned I decided to throw a line as well. This was the only one worth keeping.

Bill got quite a few diving.

and then the fun of cleaning them.

Football has resumed in the pasture as did a 5 week, 7th Day Adventist crusade which we can hear from our house.

...and this is our mansion on the hill. The breeze is real heavy up here and produces rather cool nights.

...and as I take in the beauty of the sunsets on so many nights of fishing...I am reminded of that GREAT day that is coming. I'm ready for it now! Continue to pray for the churches here in Grenada. As much as Satan is working to make inroads we know that God sees a far bigger picture and can work for the best and growth of these churches here. May we all examine our lives and study the Word for the truth it holds.

 "Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even our troubles." 
Charlie Chaplin


  1. hope you kept the roosters tail feathers! thalo blue & Green


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