Boy child.Birthdays.Babysitting.

Is it nearly a month since I blogged? I am without excuse with lots of time and pictures. So this email will mostly be of life the past 3 weeks. I don't know where time goes. The one week I was bored more than not but the next month is packed and I almost wish it was over and I was stateside already.

this boy is spoiled...but we love it!

Frozen yogurt for a late birthday celebration.

This lil boy is so fun to have around. Who don't enjoy a troublesome one year old? I taught him how to blow a whistle and was soon wondering why! Brenda and Jaxson leave to live in the states in two weeks. I am going to miss them both like crazy. They are pretty much a daily part of my life here.

Jaxson copies almost anything his uncle tells him to do. It's no wonder he gets the blame for all the "bad" things Jaxson learns!

Amy Burkholder had a birthday party for her little girls. All the little people were invited...and those of us that don't have little people!

Felicia turned 3.

Jalisa, Felicia and Kaylyn

Alanna turned 1

Kaden and Jaxson...if Kaden isn't playing with toys like this something must be wrong!

 Dan and Amy spent a few nights away for their anniversary. We had the honors of staying with their kids. 
 We hadn't even gone far from dropping them off at the resort and the oldest two were sleeping.

So glad I had my husband to help with the 4 kids

she had the cutest way to say Daniel...We laughed every time at her high squeeky "danel."

sometimes a documentary was needed to stop the fighting!

these cute lil chicks continue to populate our house!

Yesterday was a holiday. I spent a much needed relaxing time on the beach. In the evening Thaddeus cooked a pot of pilau and manish waters for all the youth. It was a fun, relaxing evening.
 Some of my crazy awesome friends!

beautiful, big, orange ball sinking in the water.

 a game of football for the guys

Kaden and Sophia

It's been four months. Four months of learning more than I thought I needed but very worth it. Marriage is a wonderful thing. 
We spent an evening out for supper with 5 other couples two weeks ago. It was nice to end it with a walk on the beach and ice cream.
I leave you with this challenging quote. Am I living my life daily with eternity in mind or is my focus on the present world?

"If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." C.S. Lewis


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