Wings and a Wedding

 Since this little man is intrigued by planes and is about to make his disappearance on one, we decided to watch the Virgin Atlantic land. It is awesome to feel the wind and hear the loudness as it goes right above your head.

Thursday was preparation for the wedding.
..the men did this part 

while the ladies....
no really we did do work also. I just didn't have time to take pictures of it all.

I gained a mother-in-law on Feb. 8. Five months later I got my father-in-law.  I went to church with Thaddeus the three years I lived in Greenz but never imagined we would one day be family. June 10 marked eleven years since Glenn went missing. Ms. Rose will no longer be lonely.
It was a happy day.

..these two...oh how I love them. Separation is going to be hard!

I love these two pictures so much...

My wonderful husband...yeah I still think that after 5 months of marriage.
I won't bore you with more words on that!

And then the ceremony...
Bill did the honors of giving his mother away!

Was so good to have Twila here to help out with all the stuff!

the "quick family shot"

...then it was the reception. More food then necessary and of course I wanted a little of each. 
I didn't quite get all that was there. Here I have rice and peas, macaroni pie, cabbage salad, potato salad,chicken, pork and mutton!

The LaBorie boys
A beautiful cake

And happily ever after

I was planning to spend his last day on the island with him but a last minute call had me busing up to Laura to substitute. It seems a sickness has struck. Nearly everyone I talk to has had it! here is to remembering my favorite little Coutain nephew (ok my only one)
Jaxson Gregory
I loved bringing him up to the house even though it meant toys being kicked everywhere. 
Anything that is on the ground is meant to be kicked according to him!

 Yeah he loves us can't you tell!
If it's not being kicked than it most likely is being chewed on!

Last night we spent some quality time watching football while his mother was packing.
Little does he know that life will be changing forever for him. Oh to be little and so easily adjust to life changes.

6 months ago you were just taking those first steps...I will miss these reaching arms every time I came by you!
I will see you soon in the states...but those next six months after that without you. sigh...not cool at all!


  1. thank-you for all the nice photos, smiles & tears from me.


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