Exemplifying Who?

If you would pass through housing scheme in Grand Anse you were sure to hear her sweet African voice billowing hymns from her veranda. If it was not a day for singing it was most likely a day for crying out to God for the people and leaders of Grenada...or just maybe a prayer for you as you passed. Whatever the case she was a dear 75 yr. old lady that I would greet and smile and ask her how her day was. I always thought she looked like someone I should stop by and visit. I never did make it inside her fence....I never will. Last week her house burned and she died. Word in the place has it she had the "gunya" and couldn't get out of bed. (I can believe it. I am under half her age and could hardly get out of bed) I've never understood how concrete houses burn but apparently they do if they catch the curtains and such. It's sad walking by....but the words I'm sure are rolling from her lips in an eternal place far better than this island. I didn't know her personally but her life exemplified God. What example am I leaving?
This is cute little 2 yr. old Shawn (new pastor's kid) His parents were both sick and were finding it rather hard to entertain him. He was happy to come by and play with our toys for a morning.

Since the sickness doesn't take everyone at once....I got to substitute two days last week. It was good again....and rather stressful. The good outweighed the bad!

I started Bible club with Leann. There weren't as many there as could possibly come. I am told that quite a few of them have the "gunya" as well.

They have lots of energy. I need to get my name brain working again. I finally think I know most of the kiddos around here!

Since we were both feeling better we walked out to Hallelujah point to do some fishing.
Till we returned home we realized how achy our bones were still and not quite back to their normal walking capacity.

It was beautiful nonetheless

And we got quite a few fish

 Although it is rainy season, it don't seem to be raining that much. It goes in spells it seems. Last week it poured (and thundered) almost the whole night. It takes a bit to sleep with loudness on your tin roof. If you look closely at this picture you will see our water tank was buckling. After the drenching rain it appeared to be even more. We cut off the water and decided to drain it and go from there.
What started as a dreary morning got beautiful and we decided to fish. On the way home we were discussing our "tank dilemma." I told my husband something needs to happen or we will soon have it in bed with us some night and it will most likely take out our washer along with it when it goes. We attempted the shortcut home "over the hills" but turned around when it was too muddy and we were sliding downward more than making upward progress.
Muddy steps and a stream of water greeted us as we reached home. I told Bucket he can go and look cuz I don't even wanna see the damage.

It didn't quite make it through the house but it managed rip part of the spouting and  bust a pipe on the way down which had water running for who knows how long. The next water bill will be evident of the length I am sure. It managed to get a small puddle in our room. It must have spewn water with force as it rolled because it got in the closed kitchen window and muddied my clean dishes, sink and floor. It's probably good we weren't home and the place was closed up or we would have had much more water inside.

 Today I made a quick trip to Laborie which was too happen many times the past while but due to sickness, rain and substituting got postponed!

 Celina and Abijah

Kindergartners and potty time.

Break time

Due to two schools partially combining a lot of the classes have between 6-9 students. All this extra room in this nice school sure came in handy!

And some time by my favorite Grenadian littles. My godchild is no longer living in LaBorie so I didn't get to see him...but his dear sister Kayla enjoyed the time. She pretended she was sleeping until her mother told her we are going to town. She was heartbroken to stay home. Her mother is supposed to make a child any day. Three kids...three and under and this dear little 20 month old still is not walking. Keep Kevona and her family in your prayers. 

And that is life to date. I need to go finish brownies for ladies Bible study here tomorrow. We shall see how many women we can cram in this house!

Sunday school challenge I was in need of: 
1 Cor. 16:13; Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.


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