Oregon Trail

Playing Oregon Trail as a child I many times left my people die from diseases such as malaria, yellow fever or dengue because of lack of supplies or money. I can identify...it was maybe for their well being. 
I started with rash on Sunday and knew the doom that awaited me even though I still felt fine. Monday I awoke with achey bones and I could hardly walk. Till afternoon the fever set in. The talk around the place is that it isn't dengue or chikungunya. According to them it's something in the air because a mosquito could never do that. Well I do believe mosquitoes are in the air (if they're not on me). Whatever the disease, it is not a fun one at all and I would not wish it on anyone. This, by far, was worse than malaria....or maybe I just forget. I don't believe I ever wanna get old if that is how you feel.
The rash supposedly gets really itchy and to prevent it my mother-in-law sent me some cola nuts to blend up and drink. With no appetite, drinking dirt was enough to put anyone under all over again. My husband thought I could sweeten it. Dirt is dirt....sugar or no sugar in it unfortunately.
But today is a new day. Sunshine followed by rain and then more sun. Being sick makes me appreciate health so much more. Although I am feeling entrapped in my house, I believe I will wait till tomorrow to venture out again.
I can identify with Mark Twain right now.
 "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not."


  1. I had to laugh so hard my achy bones rattled over you letting your ppl die for their own good...yes indeed, it is misery...


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