Life Up In "the Hole"

Life is actually starting to move with a little more speed. As of now I am thankful for that. Maybe when it is time to depart the warmth of the island to the snowy north I might not wish for the speed again!
Skyping family across the miles. It's always fun!

I just love this picture!

 The other Saturday Sammy roasted corn for some of the church people. 
I had more than my share. It was better than the last I had bought along the road.

 Football continues every night in the pasture. Most likely you will find me watching for an hour or so in the evenings.

 On our fishing venture one night with Chris and Katrina we watched this British flight take off.
We decided if it doesn't lift off we won't remember what hit us!

It never gets tiring watching flights come in and go out!

A beautiful unedited sunset

Children are rather entertaining although a few times I was scared they would go out over the edge in their excitement to see if a fish was on the line!

Someone once said they would go fishing with her any day! She is fun!

My husband got me beat with this big fish although it don't look big on here. 

 These watermelon plants are doing much better than previous ones planted. I am anticipating a hillside of watermelons just now!

Just thought you should all see the beauty of this place!

Ever so sweet Bible club kiddos

Some football fun for a little bit.

And that's all for the time. The rest of the week I am substituting at school.

"Jesus died for you, knowing you might never LOVE him back. That is true love."


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