
There once was a-phone...ok I mean i-phone..
It was an upgrade compared to the little LG whatever whatever I had in Grenada.
A software update waited patiently on it for months...FINALLY...mission accomplished it processed. 
Processed to the extent so much it Crashed.
Do you realize how much you use your phone. You try going without data for a few days. Break time at work is BORING. No alarm. Who has alarm clocks anymore? Like you know the real ones BEEP BEEP! caused for a few over sleeping encounters. humbling as it like really it was...I used this one instead till the ordered one arrived!
 You see I was painting one day and a sound rang across the sounded as a horse neighing?...some even looked out the window in search of the whinying sound...Could it be a horse was outside the window? Or could it possibly maybe somehow be Angie's awesome blackberry. You know the one that she keeps hidden in her purse somehow is billowing out some animal noises as a ringtone? I think yes....SHRIVEL! 
It was enough to almost persuade me to just go ahead and use this one instead.
I am considering a phone business...well actually my luck isn't the best so I won't recommend myself to anyone. 
 Anticipation rose in receiving my Samsung Galaxy...a couple days without a "real" phone was painful.
It came in the mail today....or I guess that was yesterday now
Just what I needed. Nice touch screen and no more pushing those big ugly blackberry buttons again. 
One thing didn't work. sim card wasn't recognized. The phone carrier agent was of no help so off to the store I went. They searched it over in attempts to make it work, finally concluding it wasn't unlocked properly.
I guess I shall  attempt once again my skills at ebay purchasing. This one shall be returned and reimbursed or an unpaid credit card bill is next on the agenda. 

In other news my mother dear has purchased me more things. She loves to buy me stuff. I think my kitchen...(if I ever need one) will be fully furnished to all her good bargains she gets for me. Storage is becoming a problem. lol. 
Anyway..she came home with this....
"I thought it looked like malt"
Yes mom I see the resemblance. Just missing the label defining it.
 She proceeded to tell me not to bother bringing them home from Grenada cuz she can find them here. I was sure it wasn't but I opened it and the smell...whoosh...I knew it wasn't malt. It was amazing though and so good to have again. Ginger beer!
I told her it was is if you like a burny sensation the whole way down your throat. 
I don't think it's for moms though
Moms are awesome. 

....and for those of you still sleeping..the weather out there is frighful. Like cold. icy roads.
stay indoors if at all possible is my recommendation. lie..I think I will skip the phone completely...
these things were just beeping as an alarm...somethings gotta change.
I am going to bed.


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