Pottery works

Since I am not so good at buying birthday gifts I promised a trip to Pottery Works for some fun instead. Kris and I helped them paint the object of their choice. I love this age they are at. Easy to do simple things and have fun. 

This was such a Mary Kate pick. She is definitely a very much "I will do my own thing." It turned out adorable.

Anna Banana and her horse. She left odd white spots here and there but it's ok cuz she was having fun.

Lauren has a love for horses right now. Can't say I ever went through that stage!

The beautiful finished products. They will be thrilled!

We babysat my nieces and nephews while votes were being taken for a pastor. There was a chicken that somehow managed to escape the bird catchers a week earlier. It was hiding under the floor stacks that the girls are standing on down farther. Bucket and I raised them up and the dog took over from there... ferociously tormenting it.
The girls...twisted dress and eyes covered saying "is it dead yet?"..the dog never did kill it. I was beginning to think we couldn't either.

oh the games they play...and the hair they love to feel. That in itself is a fun game :)
"I like Bucket. His hair is fuzzy like a teddy bear!"

Have a blessed week!


  1. another late night with the baby- well, ok, it is only a little after 10:00, but feels seems late after a rainy day with all 5 children here...
    They really loved Pottery Works- the cupcake is being used for a decoration on the teachers desk in the doll school. Poor Bucket- must feel like he is in the zoo.


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